Losing your income can cause a great deal of financial stress. Accidents can happen at anytime and depending on the type of accident you could find yourself having to take several weeks or even months off from work. While your employer might pay sick pay in many cases this is nothing compared to the income you are used to bringing in. The same would apply to if you came down with an illness that kept you from earning your own living or if you lost your job entirely due to redundancy. Income protection insurance could ease your financial stress by providing you with a replacement income.
The replacement income you received from your policy would provide you with the sum you insured against when taking out the cover. Providers will ask you how much of your income you want to protect, up to a certain amount each month. The premium charged will reflect this along with your age when applying. Standalone providers offer the cheapest premiums and you need to shop around and compare quotes as they do differ greatly. You also need to get as much information as possible regarding the policy you are considering taking out. The terms and conditions will state any exclusions that need to be met along with when the cover would begin and end.
All income protection insurance policies will only payout for so long once they have started. Your policy could begin after you have been unemployed or incapacitated for just 30 days. However some policies will state that you have to wait as long as 90 days before being able to claim. The terms and conditions also vary with how long; some policies will pay out each month for 12 months while with others you might get a payment each month for 24 months.
An income protection policy would provide you with the income to ensure that you would be able to carry on with the commitment of your mortgage. You have to ensure that you are able to maintain your mortgage because if not you could be looking at having it repossessed by the lender. You would only have to miss one repayment and you would be breaking the contract you signed with your lender. If you cannot come to an agreement to catch up on what you owe, then your lender will have to start legal proceedings. The income provided by income protection would mean that you would have the money in the bank when it was needed and not have to fear about getting into arrears.
Of course you would also be able to pay your other outgoings with your income protection insurance which could include loan repayments. Being able to maintain the commitments of your loan would mean that at the very least you would get a mark on your credit rating. This could make getting a loan in the future extremely hard and might even mean that you have to take on a bad credit loan which comes with higher interest rates. You would be able to relax and concentrate on getting well or going out and finding work again knowing that at least your financial commitments are taken care of.