Thursday, June 5, 2008


The rising cost of medical care makes health insurance one of the top priorities that you want to have to cover health expenses at reasonable cost. The health insurance system changes constantly.

Basically, there are two types of health insurance;

  1. Preferred Provider Organisations
    Insurance company will choose several preferred provider (doctors, clinics or hospitals) where you can get medical service without being charged in advance. The provider will file all service expenses and claims to the insurance company
  2. Point of Service Organization
    You can have medical service in any provider by paying in advance. All expenses are then be filed and claimed to the insurance company for reimbursement.

Although you might have covered by Jamsostek, you still have to consider whether this coverage is enough or not for you and your family. It is also important to understand about health insurance choices before you pick up a policy, as it will make a difference in the rates.

Some of health insurance may require medical check up to find out if there is any chronic health problem you might have.

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